Letter to a Gay Atheist
Hi Peter,
That's the problem with the internet, it's very easy to misunderstand someone and where they're coming from. By lumping all gays together I gave you the impression that I'm a homophobic moron.
I've upset gay people on several other Yahoo groups for speaking my mind. The point I always try to make, always unsuccessfuly, is that gay people should stop attacking homophobic attitudes and start attacking the root cause of homophobia -- religion.
Or better still, attack both together.

That's perfectly understandable, but so long as that attitude persists then the gay community is banging its head against a brick wall.
It's like surgeons operating on diseased lungs but no one attacking the causes of lung cancer, for example smoking.
Or like Jews complaining about the guards at Auswitz but ignoring Nazism.

Another reason for such timidity is the fear we all have of being thought badly of. We want to claim our rights but we want to do it in such a way that we're accepted by the community at large.
Fuck the community at large. The community at large is WRONG!
I don't believe in being tolerant of evil. Right now, at this point in our history, we are being far too tolerant of Islam. For once I agree with cowardinal George Pell when he stated recently that the qur'an is a bad book. It is. How come we're all pussy-footing around that fact? I've posted on this group somewhere a list of horror passages lifted straight from the qur'an.
But no one responded. Very few people respond to anything on this group, let's face it. Atheists are so tolerant, so very very tolerant, and the church loves that.

Jesus (allegedly) said "Resist not evil" and it seems to me that atheists have taken that to heart. We resist it a little bit but not enough to cause ripples, letalone waves.
Amazing to think that it took an author of fiction to upset the church more than all the atheists of the last two hundred years put together!
Gay people were courageous in the 1970s, attacking the symptoms of homophobia and as a result we got the Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras. But then, it seems to me, the courage dissipated. It went poof! (ooops, sorry)
A year or so ago I launched a Yahoo group, GayAtheistsandBisexuals, and while a hundred or so people joined not one so far has contributed a word about the issue I have raised on the main page.

I launched godslayer and an atheist complained about my militarism and had my yahoo email address closed down. Oddly the group is still there, flooded with spams because I can't monitor it. I launched realwildchurch and an atheist complained to Yahoo because I granted membership to a pedophile and allowed him to state his case. Two years later I was able to reinstate realwildchurch.
I launched atheistaction and attracted a handfull of people who couldn't be bothered to take action of any kind. Last year I launched atheistsofgreatbritain and atheists of every continent or country in the world (except Asia because that had already been taken) They're just floating there like lobster pots waiting for people to swim in. I even launched atheistsofaustralia because I figured I could get booted off this group at any moment.
Last week I was booted out of sydbdsm for offending someone. Story of my life, I was expelled from school for being a "disruptive influence" and I've been one of them things all my life. Not for me the comfort of belonging to a persecuted minority group, I don't fit in anywhere.
Oh woe is me!
Being a total loner helps one see things that perhaps large robotic masses of people don't see. I clearly see that gays and atheists will make very slow progress unless they fight the cause of their rejection; not just the odd letter to the newspapers, I mean really fight.

Should we ever decide to use the strength we have at our disposal we would cause tsunamis of truth to flood the world. Instead we toss the odd pebble into the Atlantic.
But I clearly see that no one gets it. I clearly see that nothing really matters because we are heading for nuclear anihillation in the very near future.
And you have helped me see why I'm wasting my time. No one will act until the situation is desperate and imminent, by which time it will be too late.
So I may as well get pissed, turn my back on everything and enjoy what's left of my life. Any good parties out your way?
Ciao4now, Doug
Real Wild Church